International Support and Healing

Treatment conditions

To protect your own rights and those of Diamond Healing, I provide you with the treatment conditions. You will always receive the treatment conditions prior to your first intake interview and/or treatment. If you do not object in writing to the treatment conditions received, you tacitly agree to comply with the conditions set. During the first contact by appointment, you will always be asked whether the treatment conditions have been read. If this is not the case, the treatment conditions will be provided on site in writing and at all times digitally by e-mail.

1. Disclaimer

Holistic (coaching) sessions and related treatments are a good addition to regular (medical) treatments or your own personal growth. However, I am not a doctor or physician. As a holistic coach, I will never take the place of medical professionals. I will also never provide medical advice or make a medical diagnosis. You remain responsible at all times for what you do with the personal insights obtained that are shared during sessions or training. If the insights you gain may influence existing treatment with a medical professional, always consult with this practitioner before making decisions that may influence a medical process. No liability is given for the information shared by Diamond Healing.

Diamond Healing's treatment methods are not intended as a replacement for (acute) medical interventions. Diamond Healing does not assume any implicit or explicit existing responsibility for other therapists or forms of therapy, including interventions or medication. Diamond Healing does not intend to replace any other treatment, intervention or medication.

Diamond Healing accepts no liability for damage resulting from inaccuracies or imperfections in the information shared on the website or written information sources, nor for problems caused by the use of these texts by third parties. Diamond Healing accepts no liability for damage resulting from the information or insights shared during sessions or training.

Information shared during sessions, training and on the website about alternative and complementary medicine is not intended as a substitute for qualified medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. The information on this site is therefore not personal therapeutic or medical advice.

If you want to stop treatment, intervention or medication from another discipline, this is between you and the relevant practitioner of this other discipline.

Although Diamond Healing treatments can speed healing, it is still important to work with your doctor and/or other practitioners to monitor the need for medications. Although Diamond Healing treatments are highly effective in promoting maximum health and healing through a holistic approach, it may not provide sufficient intervention for some health-related issues or concerns.

You remain personally responsible at all times for your own health and for what you do with Diamond Healing's insights and sessions. Responsibility cannot be shifted to the practitioner/coach or the people who patented or invented the treatment methods used.

2. Complaints or disputes

In the event of complaints or disputes, Diamond Healing will be informed of the complaint or dispute by the person involved. Diamond Healing will contact the submitter as soon as possible, maximum within four weeks after submission. In a telephone or physical conversation, the complaint or dispute is discussed together and a desirable and appropriate solution is determined.

If both parties cannot reach an agreement, the submitter can take further steps outside Diamond Healing at his or her own discretion. Diamond Healing is not responsible for facilitating these (legal) steps.

3. Payments

Payments must be made on site in cash or by bank transfer immediately after receiving the treatment.

In consultation and with the consent of both the treated party and the receiving party, payments can be made afterwards, within a maximum period of 14 days after treatment.

If in this case the payment term is exceeded, a reminder will be sent.

If payment is not made, 15% administration costs will be charged for the 2nd and 3rd reminder. In the event of complete failure to pay after three reminders, legal proceedings will be initiated.

4. Use of experiences and assessments for communication

Written reviews by customers (provided on the website or by e-mail) can be used by Diamond Healing on the website and other channels, such as social media, for promotion. Diamond Healing offers the option to submit a review anonymously. If you write a review with your own name that may not be used on channels other than the website, please indicate this in writing by email to with the subject: Review.

Experiences from sessions or coaching can be used anonymously by Diamond Healing (partly) as content for vlogs or blogs. Very beautiful and special situations can arise during, for example, energetic healings. Diamond Healing wants to use such situations to involve others in these possibilities, for example through media channels in the form of vlogs or blogs. To protect privacy, these experiences are always anonymized in such a way that they cannot be traced back to a person. If you recognize your own experience in a blog, or are absolutely excluded from sharing experiences in a blog by Diamond Healing, please report this in writing by e-mail to with the subject: Blogs and Vlogs.

5. Privacy statement

For the latest version of the privacy statement, I refer you to my website:

Here you will find all the principles surrounding data processing that apply under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

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