International Support and Healing
For gaining Insight into Your Place Within a System
In my practice, I use a powerful method called constellations to help you gain insight into your roles and dynamics within various systems. Whether it's your family, relationship, workplace, or other social environments, constellations can uncover where you're feeling stuck and why you may repeatedly fall into limiting patterns. This method provides profound insights, fosters acceptance, and often reveals practical solutions while shifting the underlying energy. Organizations can also benefit from this approach to better understand and improve internal processes.
How Do Constellations Work?
A constellation offers a visual and spatial representation of a specific system, situation, organization, or theme. The goal is to bring clarity to the core issue of the participant and energetically initiate change. In a constellation, “representatives” are used. These can be people or objects symbolizing individuals or abstract concepts. By placing these representatives in space, an energetic dynamic emerges that reveals valuable information about feelings, thoughts, and relationships. Through careful exploration of these insights, you’ll gain clarity and understanding.
Individual Constellations:
In my practice, you can choose an individual constellation focused on understanding personal patterns, such as those within your family system. This method helps uncover and clarify issues you may be facing, often linked to your family background or unresolved childhood experiences. It offers the flexibility to explore various facets of your life, making it a versatile approach that can be tailored to your specific needs, which we can discuss during a consultation.
Organizational Constellations:
Companies, institutions, and organizations can also benefit from organizational constellations. This method allows for a deeper understanding of the internal dynamics and challenges within a company. For more information or pricing, please contact me via the contact form.
Group Constellations:
I offer group constellations primarily through workshops.
For more information on upcoming or ongoing workshops, feel free to contact me via the contact form or sign up for my